Another '55 Edison grad
Posted Saturday, August 1, 2009 09:51 PM

Hi all,

Not an exciting Saturday night.  Clicked onto the forum for curiosity and decided to join in the discussion.  I'm not computer savvy, but here goes.  I remember all of you.  We grew up together.

This is Georgeanne(Leffler)Verbridge a grad of Edison Jan. '55 and RHS Jan. '59.  Yes, I also remember Mrs. Fahey.  In retrospect, she did prepare us for our overwhelming entry to Redford.  At the time we thought she was being cruel to us.  And, no, neither George Ginger or Jack Roberts led our class, at least not in an educational way.  Does anyone remember Mr. Keener-Science teacher?  He was fun and funny-also had a lot of weird things in his classroom.

Bill Casey(Jan '59)has a picture of the Jan. '55 Edison grads(including Mrs. Fahey).  I'm sure he would share it with you, as he did with me.  I can identify most, but not all of the classmates.

I am working with a few other RHS Jan. '59 grads to locate and encourage attendance at the Reunion.

If I can help with an Edison gathering IN CONJUNCTION with the Reunion, please contact me.

See you in September!!
